img 06 835 4999
img 76 Wellesley Road, Napier

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to make an appointment?

No, just come on in. The bus stops at the door, and parking is available in the parking lot adjacent to the building.

Do I have to pay?

Yes. City Medical is not part of the public hospital system, so you will be paying similar fees to those that you would pay to your GP. However, several fees are subsidised by the Ministry of Health and/or ACC.

Are there special rates for Children under 6?

Yes. All visits for children aged under 6 years of age are free of charge. 

Are there special rates for Children under 14?

Yes. ACC is fully subsidised so there is no charge for an ACC consultation.  Medical visits for under 14’s however are not subsidised, meaning a co-payment will be required at the time of consultation.

Can I bring a support person?

Sometimes a patient may wish to have a friend or family member present. Under the Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers’ Rights a consumer is entitled to have one or more support persons of his or her choice present, except where safety may be compromised or another consumer’s rights may be unreasonably infringed.

Do you provide staff health checks / medicals?

No. If you require a medical you will need to contact the GP practice you are enrolled with, or contact a dedicated occupational health provider.

Do you provide WINZ medicals?

No. If you require a WINZ medical you will need to contact the GP practice you are enrolled with.

Do you provide immigration medicals?

No. If you require an immigration medical you will find a list of approved providers here